The NYL partnered up with the oldest game show in American history to create a new scratch-off ticket.
So we asked New York to “COME ON DOWN!”

The radio

One of the hammiest parts of any Price Is Right episode is the showcase.
What would a travel showcase to a Lottery retailer sound like?
Yes, that is the real George Gray. Sweet guy.

The facebook live

To get the word out on social, we hosted a gameshow of our own: “Theme Song Live”.
Our master of all things musical played The Price is Right’s theme song on a variety of common and obscure instruments.
Audience members who guessed the instrument correctly in the comments won prizes.

It’s a long video. If you have time, check the first minute and have a little skip around.


My responsibilities: Campaign concept, radio script writing, social activation script writing, campaign copywriting, client presentation, talent direction, social activation LIVE production, radio production.

AD: Antonia Luise Orol-Berligner
ACDs: Tyler Goenerka & Emily Salas
CDs: Jason Ashlock & Dom Baccollo
ECD: Matt Bisher
Shout-out to our hilarious announcer Bill Lobely, and our insanely talented multi-instrumentalist Robert Molinari.